EUR 47.450

VOLVO - PV - 51


Marca VOLVO Tipo di auto Berlina Guida Sinistra
Modello PV Condizione Restaurato Trazione Posteriore
Versione 51 Carburante Benzina Cambio Manuale
Anno 1937 KM - Colore Nero
Marca VOLVO KM -
Modello PV Guida Sinistra
Versione 51 Carburante Benzina
Tipo di auto Berlina Trazione Posteriore
Condizione Restaurato Cambio Manuale
Anno 1937 Colore Nero
Modello PV
Versione 51
Anno 1937
Tipo di auto Berlina
Condizione Restaurato
Guida Sinistra
Trazione Posteriore
Carburante Benzina
Cambio Manuale
KM -
Colore Nero


The Volvo PV51 was introduced by Volvo in December 1936.

Volvo cars were always too expensive compared to their competitors. The PV51 was Volvo's response to the request of the dealers to offer a smaller and cheaper model. The rear part of the body was the same as that of its predecessor, the Volvo PV36. The front was new and the interior was simpler, to keep the price down.

The Volvo PV51 was equipped with a 3670cc engine, good for 86 hp and coupled to a 3-speed manual gearbox. A total of 1804 units of the PV51 were built.

Collection by Vermant is delighted to be able to offer you a unique Volvo PV51 with a wonderful history and documentation. This PV51 was delivered in Sweden in 1937 to Mr. Gustaf Nilsson who kept it until 1940, when it was confiscated by the Swedish government. In 1946 he got the car back. In 1949 this Volvo was sold to a Swedish brother couple, after which the registration was stopped in 1965. After that, the car disappeared with a Swedish collector, who only took it out during the summer months and sometimes participated in classic car shows.

This Volvo PV51 remained in a beautiful and completely original condition all that time, but recently received a complete technical overhaul in which all mechanical parts were checked and/or replaced, with new rubbers, brakes and tires. It did get a new fabric interior, while retaining the original colour, material and execution.

This Volvo PV51 is unique but also has a wonderful history. Witness to this an extensive documentation with the original 'handbok', registration documents, information from the Swedish 'Riksarkivet', Swedish road maps, the original lubrication diagram and practical information via an heir of the last owner.


Collection by Vermant, the Volvo specialist, offers a beautiful and unique Volvo PV51, both the product and the packaging!



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